Thursday, July 09, 2009

Weldon Spring July 4th Family Fun Event

Happy Birthday America! You are beautiful and so is this great nation and land we are blessed to live in. I had the great pleasure to capture a wonderful Americana event in the great city of Weldon Spring. As I drove to the event I watched the sky and it was getting darker the closer I got. Then as I turned down Wolfrum, the bottom dropped out and the rain came. I was saddened, for the event may be postponed. But as I arrived I was quickly ushered in and the hopes were very high. The rain poured and the patrons had sought cover from the rain. Then the sun came out and a rainbow was in the sky. How appropriate. There was much fun to be had from all and it was such a joy to see families get together having picnics and singing and dancing. The city officials were most pleasant and it gave me the giggles to see everyone enjoying their snow cones. Here are a few shots I captured. Happy Birthday America....


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!