Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Adventure Has Only Begun

2006 is well under way with growth abounding. So, before Gary Fong's class I did not even know a blog existed and now that I have had some time to think about this Blog idea.... I find it very exciting. I may not travel every week, but I do experience life through the lens of my camera, ok, and my other 5 senses as well, but what a fantastic way to share with everyone and it is so easy. This year began as an adventure and a year of change. I went to Austin for my first PPA Convention. WOW!!! What an experience. I met many new friends, ate some great food, danced a little or maybe a lot, sat in eye opening lectures that were filled to the brim, hung out with a wonderful group from New York, viewed hundreds of competition prints that left me in awe and walked a very large trade show wishing I had more spendable cash. But most importantly, I came away knowing I am on the right track. I just need to do some serious fine tuning, so I am doing just that. Focusing on what I love in this profession and continuing to build on my foundation. As March quickly approaches I feel the pressure of my time line for certain goals, realizing some I might make and others might be pushed back. All in all I am optimistic for a wonderful year and I am thrilled to have an outlet to share it with you. I look forward to your comments as I continue to post, grow, and change.