Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Missing my Soul Mate

As many of you know I grew up in North Carolina. So every summer I try travel home and see friends, family and my soul mate, the Atlantic Ocean. Our love affair began in the 80's and still burns brightly. I am trying to find my way there permanently. Many tell me it is the fantasy, but I know the sea loves me. Anyway, this world keeps a spinning and things continue to change. And change has come to my place I hold dear. Pleasure Island, NC was founded with family values, hometown goodness, and mom and pop businesses. Several years ago investors came in and bought many of the small businesses out. Now there are high rises that have changed more than just the view, but some of the appeal. Many of the originals are still surviving and for that I am thankful. I had several conversations with a few and was relieved to hear them say that this was home and they were going to keep it that way. I am all for change but I also believe that improvements can be done while preserving the atmosphere of a place. So on our visit this year I found out dogs were unwelcome and there were no bumper cars downtown. Bummer!! So, Caleb, Sadie, my dog, and I made the best of downtown by thoroughly enjoying our almost daily Britt's doughnut. The collage is downtown Carolina Beach and some of the lights and images from years past. Both of my fishing trips were canceled due to weather, thanks 'Hannah', but I will get out there eventually. A few of the images are with Hannah coming in and me leaving.... only because I had a job inland mind you.

Miss Betty is a fabulous story and I wish its Captain the swiftness of waves in it's journey back to a working vessel. I was allowed to come aboard the shrimper and the history I felt within it's walls was moving. I captured many impressive images and hope to include them in my gallery show. Miss Betty holds herself up well. Tarry Ho!!

Two trips were made so far and I will be making a third in November for a study of aquatic life that I have wanted to do for years now. During my trips I worked jobs and I was able to see a few old friends and made many more. While traveling this summer I came to realize, that there are many people in this world that see only what they want. As I went around embracing all that I miss and appreciating every moment I had there, I found myself delving deep into the blue that surrounded me and sculpting out what means the most in life. It is vital for one's self to do that every now and then, and I needed it. I came home missing all and with fall knocking on my front door, even though it knows that Spring lives here, I still hold onto the feel of the sand on my toes and the ocean mist caressing my cheek, all the while looking forward to the day I do not have to leave.