Thursday, July 09, 2009
Weldon Spring July 4th Family Fun Event
Happy Birthday America! You are beautiful and so is this great nation and land we are blessed to live in. I had the great pleasure to capture a wonderful Americana event in the great city of Weldon Spring. As I drove to the event I watched the sky and it was getting darker the closer I got. Then as I turned down Wolfrum, the bottom dropped out and the rain came. I was saddened, for the event may be postponed. But as I arrived I was quickly ushered in and the hopes were very high. The rain poured and the patrons had sought cover from the rain. Then the sun came out and a rainbow was in the sky. How appropriate. There was much fun to be had from all and it was such a joy to see families get together having picnics and singing and dancing. The city officials were most pleasant and it gave me the giggles to see everyone enjoying their snow cones. Here are a few shots I captured. Happy Birthday America....
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tonight as I opened the door to do chores the cold hit me right in the face. I have been spoiled yet again by the 40 degree weather. With the cold surrounding us, my trusty companion Sadie and I ventured out into the thick night and walked toward the hungry bellows from within the confines of the barn. If you have never felt needed, well my friend, then get a sheep. Actually more than one and your need will be fulfilled. Even when their needs are met they still need you. I have not figured out when they stop needing you. In fact did you know that sheep even talk when their mouths are stuffed full of alfalfa? Well, I am here to inform you that they do... it is more of a garbled up growl of some sort but they are still asking for more of what? I do not know. They baffle me. But I still love them. Tonight they have inspired a story in me and as I walked the long cold driveway with Sadie, I let my mind run through the night and embrace all that is right with this crazy world. I locked out all that is amiss and ran with the wind in my face back to the warmth of the barn. And who met me there? Yes, my girls... mouths and bellies full, still asking for more. I gave them love and came inside. My heart warmed for yet another night.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Huck our Boy
Where do I begin with this post? The joy or the pain. I guess a little of both is a good start.
Eleven or twelve years ago our dog, Duchess, gave birth to puppies on Thanksgiving Day. Well as luck would have it, Randy and I were in Wisconsin with family and had to turn around. Our dear neighbors were watching her and went through the pain of her delivery... it is something they will never forget and neither will I. She lost three but had three. They were adorable and not a single one looked like their mother. They all looked like their father who was a Golden Retriever. There was a Golden girl, a black girl and a black boy. We found a home for the black girl I had candidly named Jill. And I just could not separate from the other two, they were a part of my family. The boy I named Huckleberry Finn and his sister, Bailey Lynne. They have been two partners in crime and love ever since. We have been through the ups and downs of illnesses, wrong doings, barking at night, escaping under and over fences, dancing with us to music in the kitchen, loving us non stop and always loving one another.
When I found out I was pregnant, I thought immediately that Huck would be Caleb's dog. You know, boys stick together. But the day we brought Caleb home, I found out that Caleb was Bailey and Huck's boy. Caleb is now eight and he and those dogs have traveled many miles on foot and paw on adventures in the backyard and on trips to the lake. If you saw one you saw three, they have been inseparable and always look out for the other. Their love for Caleb has shown in everything they did. bailey sleeps by his bed and Huck slept by his door. Best friends they are and always will be.
So with so many close calls throughout their wonderful and crazy life, we were devastated yesterday when Huck came in from chasing the chickens, a past time he loved but not really allowed to do, and he was having a very hard time breathing. I immediately grabbed my cell and called the vet and explained what was going on. I truly thought he had swallowed chicken feathers and just could not get them past. We had to quickly get him to the vet after she heard his breathing and said,"He is in trouble, get him here." Caleb and I worked quickly and I must admit I was aggravated. I have been very sick and we had wanted to take everyone to the track and walk, but NOOOO, Huck had to go and hurt himself. On the way to the vet I knew something was not right, but just figured he had eaten a stick and it was lodged. We arrived and got him into the exam room where Dr. Rasmussen helped and at first thought it was an allergic reaction. Then it seemed more serious and Dr. Ragan was brought in. All in a matter of 25minutes I was having to make a decision on Huck and his life. His breathing was worse and they were baffled. After a chest X-Ray, it seemed his lungs were filled with fluid. He was struggling worse to breathe and surgery was an option, but 30 mins. away and it was not something they felt he could make it to or through. So looking at Huck whose eyes were full of questions and love and pain, it was made. I have been through the loss of many pets, but was very prepared for them. This one I was not and not ready to let him go. He was a family member and I felt like I was giving up on him, but yet I knew it was the right thing. He had gone out doing what he loved... loving us and life.
Caleb and I spent the rest of the evening in sobbing states and the tears would flow and stop and flow again. Today has been full of tears and digging. Something Huck loved doing. He is at peace now and Caleb and I are trying to find our peace with this life change. I must say that bringing him home was therapeutic for me and knowing that he is with those who have always loved him helps tremendously. Perspective is gained at times like these and it hits you square in the face. As I went through images last night I kicked myself for not taking my three beautiful dogs and making images of them in the studio. Part of the reason is their fear of lights, but now I only have in my head what I have wanted on print.
Huck was a lover and adored us, even when we were upset with his actions. This morning as I came down the stairs I missed his 'gotta go potty dance' and the tears welled up. I do not know when the pain will ever go away, but he lives with and through us. Bailey and Sadie are aware things have changed and after the funeral this afternoon it was apparent that they know. I felt it only fair for them to say good bye and they did. I am so thankful that the animal world still respects one another in the deepest of ways.
Huck old boy with the most expressive eyes and love to fetch and roll in the snow... we miss you and thank you for choosing us as your love.
We did find out through autopsy that what caused his episode was a heart attack.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
The Dance
January 27, 2009 entry from my personal journal
God has begun this week like a fancy baker. He has taken a wintry form of confectioners sugar and continued to sprinkle the white across the country. As I sit by the window, with Deano' serenading me, the sprinkles spin me into a land I love. One that is mine.
The sheep are warm and woolen and fed. The chickens all poofed in their feathery splendor and huddled on their roosts. The cats are warm and curled in the garage while the three dogs are asleep in their places. My boy? He is tucked snug as a bug in a rug. He is dreaming of snowflakes. How do I know? He told me so. Randy is playing Poker. And I? The fireplace is blazing, the tunes are gently swaying and I am writing.
I love getting lost in the snow swirls. As I stood outside this evening, the cold wrapped around me awakening my senses. Gazing up into the sky the snowflakes danced their way down to me. I closed my eyes and let them tickle my face, leaving their wet, gentle kisses, such a welcome touch. The crunch of the snow under my feet is a welcome sound. My toes want to squish the snow between themselves. They are fooled thinking it will feel like the sand on the shore. Ahhhh, my mind knows better, so I wiggle my toes inside my wool socks and imagine. My eyes open, the flakes are getting larger and swirling in their downward spiral. Faster and faster they fall. I realize they only have one dance in their life and what a dance it is. They are dancing with Old Man Winter. It is beautiful how life is so well orchestrated on occasion. I open my arms and embrace Winter, my polar opposite. We begin to sway and move as one. The steps are light and full of air. The gentle hold he has on me I welcome. I fall into him as we gracefully waltz through the thick night. The geese are moving in the storm and their calls break the heavy silence. We pause for a moment and feel the rush of life above. Then I feel the soft tug and my feet glide along the ever deepening carpet of white. Winter has come and loved me once again. He can be rough and hard, down right bitter, but all he wants is love. Tonight, Winter has been loved by Spring.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Catching up
1984. What do recall about that year? I remember Mrs. Austin and Greek Mythology. Well today I had the privilege to reconnect with an old classmate I had not seen since then. And I got to do it in person! It was so great to see her and we both realized immediately that yes, we have changed. We grew up. After all these years how awesome it is to actually live 25 miles from one another! Kudos to Facebook for being the connecting factor.
I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting her gem of a daughter and sharing so much about our past and present. We each spoke of our childhoods and what we went through those many years ago, along with many other current topics. While sharing with each other I had emotions that began to come to surface that had been forgotten and memories of good and bad times. I clearly remembered feeling so alone at many times and thought I was the only with problems and insecurities. But today I realized that even those that I thought had it all together had issues. It helped put so many things in perspective for me. When you are growing up in this crazy world sometimes you can not see the forest for the trees and you get lost. As a child, your parents, and friends are there to help you, but sometimes as a child you do not know to ask.
We continued to talk and I allowed myself to soak it all in and looked at both of us and how our paths crossed for a time, then they separated to only cross again. I could not have planned this if I would have tried. I do believe God brings people into our lives for reasons we do not even know. So today, we are older with many contrasting stories, but there are still common bonds. The familiarity that we share of having the same home state of NC, our elementary school years and so many memories. They are each gifts and are very much treasured. I loved the fact that we easily fell into sharing, laughing and being open about ourselves. I was given a gift today and I love gifts. Especially ones of friendship.
I am blessed to have another seed planted in Spring's forever growing Wildflower Garden.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Today is about Shadows for Me
We aren't groundhogs but we saw our shadows!!
I love shadows and have since I was a kid. I use to make all kinds of shadows on the walls at night and let my imagination run. Many of you know my imagination still runs... runs wild. However, as I began my entry for today I just know that during those many years of education I probably studied the history of this day, but somehow after giving birth to my wonderful son, my memory is just not what it used to be (another blog entry for a future date). So how did this holiday come about I asked myself?
I went to Wikipedia and found the following:
Groundhog Day is an annual holiday celebrated on February 2nd in the United States and Canada on which if a groundhog emerges from its burrow and fails to see its shadow because the weather is cloudy, winter will soon end. If on the other hand, it is sunny and the groundhog sees its shadow, the groundhog will supposedly retreat into its burrow, and winter will continue for six more weeks. The holiday, which began as a Pennsylvania German custom in southeastern and central Pennsylvania in the 18th and 19th centuries, has its origins in ancient European weather lore, wherein a badger or sacred bear is the prognosticator as opposed to a groundhog. Modern customs of the holiday involve celebrations where early morning festivals are held to watch the groundhog emerging from its burrow. The Pennsylvania German dialect is the only language spoken at the event, and those who speak English pay a penalty, usually in the form of a nickel, dime or quarter, per word spoken, put into a bowl in the center of the table. The largest Groundhog Day celebration is held in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, where crowds as high as 40,000 have gathered to celebrate the holiday since at least 1886. Groundhog Day received worldwide attention as a result of the 1993 film of the same name, Groundhog Day, which was set in Punxsutawney and featured Punxsutawney Phil.'
What a fun holiday this is already and now I don't have to speak English for the whole day. I have made up my own version of what I think the Pennsylvania German dialect sounds like. What fun!! You should call me and hear it!! I am certain our groundhog in the front pasture saw his shadow this morning as did I and Caleb and the sheep. So bummer!!! More Winter. But for some of you, Spring is already here or in your hearts. I like to think I am in your hearts anyway. With today being a great day of shadows and furry creatures that are famous I am planning a super fun day for Caleb and after school.
Homework: First and foremost.
Game time: Catch me if you can (and sew me back on)
Snack: Groundhog crackers
Menu for dinner: Shadows and Dumplings and Dark Lurking Brownies for dessert
Nightly entertainment: Shadow Puppets and choice of Groundhog Day or Peter Pan.
Today as you are walking about and sharing your life with all, see the shadows around you that are light and bright and carry much meaning. The ones that are short and fast or lengthy and long, but really look for and see the shadows that are in the dark and hide those who want to be forgotten and should not be. A shadow can be a friend you never knew you had.
This week I would love for you to capture a shadow, whether by digital capture, film, paint, or drawing.... post it with your comment or send to my email. Let the light guide you.... and let us see what becomes.
Happy Shadowing
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